Other Questions
- 1 I would like to report information regarding individuals listed on the wanted list published on the Administrative Enforcement Agency’s electronic bulletin board. How can I do that? Are there any rewards?
- 2 Why did I receive an Enforcement Order from the branch? I do not personally owe any taxes nor do I reside within the branch’s jurisdiction. Why is this case being enforced by this branch?
- 3 What is Shih-Lin branch’s address and how do I get there?
- 4 How do I donate to the national treasury?
- 5 My car has already been scrapped. Why did I still receive a notice of payment for overdue vehicle license tax?
- 6 If I have already commenced administrative relief against the transferring agency with respect to the tax or fines owing as listed on the notice of payment, will the branch of the Administrative Enforcement Agency suspend the enforcement?
- 7 I was not home when the transferring agency served the notice of payment for outstanding taxes on my 14 year old son, who did not give the notice to me. Was this service lawful?
- 8 Why can’t the Administrative Enforcement Agency send mail directly to the obligor’s current address even though it is able to obtain the obligor’s accounts with financial institutions?
- 9 I did not know that I owed taxes. I work at a temporary job with not a lot of income, so my income may have been wrongly reported. How can I check this?
- 10 Obligors may attend at the branch to question the income taxes assessed and what was the basis for the income. The responsible personnel should provide any documents in the files to the obligor for review. However, obligors often deny having had such income in the past and that such income was wrongly reported by others using his or her name, sometimes even leading to an argument. There are quite a number of these incidents and enforcement personnel are very troubled by them.
- 11 I have always paid out-of-pocket for doctor’s visits and have never used my National Health Insurance Card. Why do I still have to pay National Health Insurance?