Return the receipt online, It is convenient and saves time!
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2023-01-19
- View count:555
Shihlin Branch of AEA provides an online receipt return can return a photo of the payment certificate online via the special e-mail( and a designated personnel will help you to revoke the seizure order and cancel the said case.
Shihlin Branch of AEA reminds that if the public have any questions related to the payment method, you may contact us by phone(02-26326939*109). If the public are unfamiliar with the ground of the overdue payment, they may dial the phone number of the competent authority indicated on the payment notice for a faster and more convenient answer.
E-mail Address:
Please attach the following information to the E-mail you send.
2.Obligor ID number or Company uniform number:
3.Case number and Section:
5.Attachment File: receipt+photo。mailbox capacity:10MB。