- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2023-03-23
- View count:1925
1.Publishing Body and Editing Office
Publishing Body: Shih-Lin Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice
Editing Office: Statistics Office, Shih-Lin Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice
2.Method of Publication
Online Public Notice: http://www.sly.moj.gov.tw/
3.Scope, Time Period and Time Effectiveness of Data
Geographical Scope and Subject of Statistics: Scope and subject of the statistics are limited to the cases handled by the Administrative Enforcement Agency and its various branches.
Standard Time Period of the Statistics: Yearly data will be the data of said year from January 1 to December 31; monthly data will be data of said month from the first of the month to the end of the month.
Definition of Statistical Terms: Such terms will be as defined in “法務統計用詞解釋”
Unit: Case, New Taiwan Dollar
Publishing Date: The middle of each month for monthly data; mid-January of the succeeding year for yearly data.
Attachment: Definition of Statistical Terms: https://www.rjsd.moj.gov.tw/RJSDWEB/noun/Noun.aspx