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Shihlin Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


2018 Internal Control Declaration

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-01-19
  • View count:1287

Internal Control Declaration – Shih-Lin Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice


The following declaration for this agency’s 2018 internal control is made on the basis of the results of assessments and audits:


  1. This agency has established and is enforcing and maintaining an effective internal control mechanism that involves all of the agency’s staff and will be further developed on the basis on risk assessments. The purpose is to realize efficiency in governance, provision of reliable data, compliance with laws and protection of data privacy. However, this does not involve external risks unable to be controlled by the agency’s internal control.


  1. There are inherent limitations to internal controls and thus regardless of how much the internal control mechanisms are strengthened, effective internal control can only achieve reasonable results with respect to its goals. Furthermore, the internal control’s efficacy may change due to changes in circumstances or environment. However, this agency’s internal control has an oversight mechanism that tracks and attempts to improve any faults in the control.


  1. Based on an assessment and audit of this agency’s 2018 internal control, it is determined that this agency’s internal control, as of December 31, 2018, has been established and executed effectively and can reasonably achieve the above-stated goals.

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