


Shihlin Branch auctions sand stealing Chinese Ship. National Treasury receives NT$6.88 million!

  • 發布日期:
  • 最後更新日期:112-06-08
  • 資料點閱次數:342





聯 絡 人:行政執行官陳靜慧

聯絡電話:(02)26326939 分機302           編號:112-15

Fuchien Lien Chiang District Prosecutor's Office (hereinafter referred to as Lien Chiang District Prosecutor's Office) and the Shihlin Branch Administrative Enforcement Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Shihlin Branch), Ministry of Justice jointly auctioned the Chinese sand pump dredger for the first time. The ship was successfully auctioned at NT$6.88 million on March 7th.

The Shihlin Branch held the 123 joint auction on March 7th. The most eye-catching object was the Chinese sand pumping dredger "Zhansheng No. 98", commissioned by the Lien Chiang District Prosecutor’s Office. The Shihlin Branch distinctively used a 360-degree camera to film the inside and outside of the ship to make a virtual reality video. Using the video, the public could view the ship in detail through the virtual reality device (hereinafter referred to as VR device). Since the announcement of the auction, bidders have called the clerk of contact to ask for more information or have gone to the Shihlin Branch to view the complete condition inside and outside of the ship using VR equipment. People even went to Matsu to inspect the sand pump dredger. The ship was finally auctioned at NT$6.88 million on March 7th. The winning bidder said that the ship will be used for the company's marine project in Pingtung. The Shihlin branch not only expressed commendations to the winning bidder immediately, but also invited Director-General Lin, of the Administrative Executive Agency, to present a Paibao Doll, the mascot of the Administrative Executive Agency, to the winning bidder. Director-General Lin also took a group photo with the winning bidder. The winning bidder expressed gratitude and was excited to make a profit this time!

The Shihlin Branch stated that in order to completely eradicate the illegal acts of crossing the border and stealing sand by Chinese sand pump dredgers, it will continue to cooperate with the Lien Chiang District Prosecutor’s Office to actively handle the auction of Chinese sand pump dredgers which have been confiscated by the courts; so as to implement the new confiscation acts and maintain the integrity of our national territory.
